Cell phone data line can mix?
in the process of daily data cable a lot of people like to mix, so use the data line? You know about this problem with usb cable manufacturer.
cable are points type, mobile phones, cameras have different cable, of course, there are the same. So you need to model specific to the mobile phone, camera, mobile phone, camera also has a lot of with a standard USB cable, can with MP3 generic.
such as prone to the phenomenon of interruption halfway when transfer files, and if it is low voltage power supply for a long time, also easy to cause damage to some of the hard drive equipment. So, in the use of electronic cable, do not suggest to mix in the specific operation.
compare mobile hard disk, mobile phone data line will be more 'delicate', even if the same brand of electronic products, the calibre of the connectors are the same, generally do not mix. Some mobile phone cable interface, but the operation is not available. Such cases, due to the power supply problem, will cause the instability of motherboard, requires attention to the problem of the specifications of the cable. Different models of mobile phone data cable more don't mix. Because mobile phone and computer connection, the computer data interface is current, if do not match the current relatively, there will be a mobile phone motherboard, cell danger.
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